
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Principles of REIKI

Fundamentally Reiki involves channeling the Universal life force or the cosmic force into the body, it is much more effective if the practitioner is emotionally and ethically healthy. Keeping these requirements in mind. Dr. Usui developed five principles of Reiki:
Just for today I will live the attitude of gratitude:
To live in gratitude is to live in abundance. When we keep dwelling on what we don’t have we continue to experience of not having. One must live in a state of gratitude, consciously appreciating and thanking the many blessings of life. It helps in transforming negative attitudes into positive ones.
Just for today, I will not worry:
Negative thoughts indicate a lack of faith in Searchd and hinder the outcome of our efforts. Live each day to the best of your ability, and surrender yourself to the Higher Self. A positive frame of mind, makes the situations appear far better than they would otherwise be.
Just for today I will not be angry:
Anger comes up when there is a fear, when one starts feeling helpless and out of control. The best way to handle it is not to repress it but rather by feeling it fully and becoming fully aware of our actions to others and thereby, over a period of time learning to master our emotions. Persons who know and have developed the ability to handle anger, have made their lives happy.
Just for today I will do my work honestly:
Doing the work honestly and facing the truth in all things brings a peace of mind and calmness which can transform the person and raise his self-esteem.
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing:
To help in healing the whole world and developing a loving atmosphere, we must show respect to all living things.

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