
Monday, July 27, 2009

Obesity and its symptoms

Obesity is nothing but excessive storage of fat in our body. Obesity has been defined as a weight more than 20% above what is considered normal as per the body mass index, which is calculated from an individual's age, height, and weight. Presence of fat tissue is essential as natural energy reserve in our bodies. But excess fat tissues result in obesity and causes health disorders.

Obesity is measured by: Body Mass index (BMI), Waist Measurement and Combined Measurements .An obese person carries the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

One of the places where this excess body fat can most easily be seen is around the waistline. A waist measurement of 40 inches or more in men and 35 inches or more in women is linked to an increased risk for heart disease and other health problems associated with obesity.

An adult who is obese has an increased risk of complications from other diseases. These may include
- High blood pressure
- Type 2 diabetes
- Gallbladder disease
- Some types of cancer
- High cholesterol
- Stroke
- Osteoarthritis
- Sleeping and breathing problems
- Depression or other emotional problems
- Difficulty walking or moving around
- Heartburn
- Rashes in the folds of the skin
- Shortness of breath with exertion
- Snoring or sleep apnea

A Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal Medicine

nfectious diseases such as Flu, TB, Pneumonia, Hepatitis, Cholera, Malaria, and Dengue are quite common in many countries. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites kill more people worldwide than any other single cause.

Many studies have shown that overuse of antibiotics has increased the rate of infections as well as created many drug resistant bacteria over the past few decades. Antibiotics work only on bacteria and not on viruses. In fact, there are no effective drugs that can kill the viruses. Boosting the body's immune system is the only effective way of fighting these drug resistant and ever mutating microorganisms.

Extensive research done by scientists such as Jon J Kabara, PhD, has shown that the Lauric acid found in Coconut Oil is a potent antimicrobial agent. Lauric acid is a major component (49%) of Coconut oil. It has also been found to kill the H.

Virgin coconut oil can be used as a natural medicine in common cold, flu or viral fever. It can be consumed by using it as a cooking oil or you can simply consume 2-3 tablespoons along with meals or with your favorite juice or plain water. Make sure that your drink is lukewarm so that coconut oil can easily mix with it. Some studies that a massage with coconut oil gives rapid and superior results in acute diseases like common cold or flu. Massaging the arms, legs, chest, back and neck regions allows a large amount of oil to be quickly absorbed into the body via the skin and helps facilitate rapid recovery.

Coconut oil consists largely of what is called as Medium Chain Triglycerides, also known as MCT or MCFA, which gets digested and absorbed quickly in the body and provides a much needed energy boost. This is why the MCT, found in coconut oil, is used in hospitals to prepare food for the sick and the elderly.

The best headache treatment options

Nothing can ruin a mood, a day or a special occasion like a headache. Treatment for headaches is nothing new; all the back to ancient Egypt physicians have been looking for the best headache treatment they could. Doctors and physicians still disagree exactly what happens to your head during a headache. They agree that the problem is blood flow - the blood vessels contracting and relaxing around the brain. To have the proper headache treatment, you really should know the cause of your headache. Here a couple of tips to find the best headache treatment for your specific situation.

Headache treatment should really begin with headache prevention. If you can find the reason that you have headaches, and alter your lifestyle or diet to stop the headaches from even happening, that is the most effective headache treatment you can get. Most headaches are brought on by tension and stress. Discover what your headache triggers are - make a list of the top stress causers in your life. Is there are way to get around, or solve those problems? Perhaps you can change your commute or your daily routine to lower your stress levels. For most people, this is the best headache treatment. If you can’t eliminate the stress causers in your life, are there ways to treat them before they give you migraines? Perhaps you don’t have the budget you like, but if you can find a way to balance your income and expenses, you won’t have the same financial stress - and you’ll have less headaches.

Headache treatment might lie in diet and nutrition as well. Most people report headaches from the excess or lack of caffeine. Perhaps if you wean yourself off of coffee, tea or soft drinks, you’ll find the fluctuations of caffeine in your blood system will stop - and so will the headaches. Another strong possibility is the lack of water in your body. Dehydration means that all of your body’s systems and organs are running a little slow. This includes headaches. A couple of more glasses of water each day might be the only headache treatment you need.

There is of course a variety of pills and medication you can turn to for headache treatment. Some work, others don’t. The key to real headache treatment is in headache prevention. If you can eliminate the causes of your headaches, you’ll have a much happier, carefree day.

Epilepsy in dogs

The condition known as epilepsy does indeed occur in dogs. In fact, the problem is broken down into two different types of Epilepsy.

1. Idiopathic Epilepsy- Idiopathic epilepsy is when there is no known cause for the condition and it is assumed it may be an inherited condition.

2. Secondary Epilepsy – This diagnosis is used when a specific cause for the seizures can be found. A veterinarian will normally run a variety of tests to rule out possible physiological or toxic causes before diagnosing the dog as having the idiopathic version.

There are several types of seizures that are seen in dogs and there are many times an owner isn’t even aware of the problem. An epileptic seizure
is the clinical manifestation of abnormal brain activity in the cerebral cortex.

These abnormalities can create seizures that vary from the mild “petit mal” to the generalized, full body “grand mal.”

Some of the physiological reasons a dog may have secondary epilepsy are:

1. Hypoglycemia or “low blood sugar.”

2. Hypothyroidism – A condition in which the thyroid functions inadequately.

3. Disease – Seizures are a common symptom of diseases such as encephalitis and distemper

4. Lead poisoning – This can be seen in dogs that like to chew on items such as painted wood.

5. Brain Tumors – This is the most common cause of seizures that begin after the age of 5.

6. Hydrocephalus – The accumulation of excess cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) within the brain.

7. Eclampsia – This occurs when a lactating female’s calcium levels drop to dangerous levels.

8. Toxins – Pesticides, fertilizers, poisonous plants, arsenic, strychnine and chocolate.

9. Trauma – Trauma can occur from some type of severe blow to the head such being hit by a car, bat, kicked or fall.

10. Organ failure – End stage liver or renal failure can often cause

11. Parasitic – Severe cases of intestinal worms, end stage heartworms or even anemia from fleas and ticks can cause seizures.

Idiopathic Epilepsy is also called primary or hereditary epilepsy.

As with any disease or condition, your personal veterinarian is the best source for making a diagnosis, education and offering treatment options. If you suspect your dog may have either type of epilepsy and you see seizure like activity, take note of the time, date, length and type of seizure as well as the way the dog acts after the seizure has ended. Keep a record of these things for each episode and discuss the problem as soon as possible with the veterinarian. Remember to follow up the conference with information as to any further episodes so he or she will be able to lay out a plan of action for both you and your dog for the best possible results.