
Thursday, August 23, 2007

Green Tea for Long Life?

Japanese Study Shows Link Between Green Tea Drinkers and Lower Death Risk

People who drink at least a pint of green tea each day have a lower risk of death, a Japanese study shows.
The lower overall death risk among green tea drinkers appears to be due to a lower risk of death from heart disease. And the benefit of green tea is especially pronounced in women, find Shinichi Kuriyama, MD, PhD, Tohoku University School of Public Policy in Sendai, Japan, and colleagues.

Green tea is a very popular drink in Japan. But some people drink more than others do. Women who drink five or more 3.4-ounce cups of green tea every day cut their risk of heart disease by 31% compared with women who drink one or fewer 3.4-ounce cups. Men who drink this much green tea cut their heart disease risk by 22%.

"Green tea may prolong your life through reducing heart disease and stroke," Kuriyama tells WebMD. "Our findings might explain the differences in mortality profile between Japan and the United States. The Japanese age-adjusted rate of mortality due to [heart disease and stroke] is about 30% lower than that of the United States."

The findings appear in the Sept. 13 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

Green Tea: Might Americans Benefit?

Kuriyama's study is based on data collected since 1994 among more than 40,000 healthy Japanese people aged 40 to 79. More than 86% of the study participants remained in the study for 11 years. Participants filled out detailed questionnaires about their daily diets and health.

The study was conducted with meticulous care. But Kuriyama is quick to point out that this kind of study can't prove green tea has any beneficial effect. Proof comes only from a clinical trial in which some people get green tea and others do not. The Kuriyama study shows only that there is a link between green tea and lower death risk -- not that green tea causes lower death risk.

More Benefits for Women?

Why do women seem to get more of a benefit from green tea than men do? Kuriyama and colleagues note that the men in their study smoked more cigarettes than women did. And smokers, overall, got less of a benefit from green tea than nonsmokers.

But Cheng says it's related to estrogen. Green tea studies consistently show a greater effect for women than for men, he says. He suggests that green tea's active ingredients may interact with the female sex hormone estrogen to boost a heart-protective effect.

Green Tea: No Effect on Cancer

Kuriyama and colleagues found no evidence that green tea protects against cancer death.

Kuriyama says that was a surprise to him, as "abundant" evidence from animal and test-tube studies suggests that green tea ingredients fight cancer.

But he notes that the current findings are in line with other, smaller studies that find green tea has no effect on several specific kinds of cancer.

Green Tea Warnings

While it's yet to be proved that green tea really will protect you against early death, there's a lot of evidence that green tea is safe -- with two major exceptions.

Cheng warns that green tea contains vitamin K. Vitamin K affects blood clotting. People taking the blood-thinning drug Coumadin, he says, should not start drinking more green tea.

And Kuriyama warns against drinking your green tea piping hot.

"Drinking green tea at high temperature may be associated with increased risk of esophageal cancer," he says. "Therefore, I recommend that green tea should be consumed at moderate or low temperature."

What's the bottom line? For Lichtenstein, the message is to go ahead and drink green tea if you like it. But to prevent heart disease and stroke, what really works is a healthy diet and daily exercise.

Neither Kuriyama nor Cheng would disagree with that. But they both recommend green tea, too.

"I personally drink two to three cups of green tea per day," Kuriyama says. "On the basis of our study results, I would like to recommend the drinking of green tea to my friends and my family because our findings are the best evidence at present."

Cheng says green tea is much better for you than oolong tea or black tea, which lose some healthy properties during fermentation. But that's not why he drinks it.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back Pain - self care

Become an active partner in your own back recovery. If you have back pain, begin with an appointment with your healthcare provider. When the problem is diagnosed, treatment will be suggested. Often back pain will go away by itself.

Back pain can be treated. However, you are the most important member of the healthcare team in treating your pain. Learn about your back, its anatomy and function. Learn how to return your back to a healthy state and how to keep it strong and healthy. Learn what good posture is. Practice safe body mechanics to prevent re- injury. Keeping your weight within the normal healthy range helps to prevent back pain.

Self-care of the back starts with relieving the immediate pain. Pain can be relieved with ice or heat. Either a cloth-covered ice pack or a heating pad on low can be put on the back for no more than 20 minutes 4 to 8 times a day. This will help to relieve the pain. Bed rest is not suggested for more than a couple of days, as it can weaken muscles. It may help to rest for 1 to 2 days.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, may be recommended for the pain. Aspirin or medicines that have aspirin in them should not be given to anyone younger than 18 years of age. Taking aspirin is a risk for a serious illness called Reye's syndrome. NSAIDs should be taken with food or milk to prevent stomach upset. NSAIDs should not be taken by anyone who has been diagnosed with asthma, ulcer disease, or a bleeding disorder. Taking NSAIDs increases the risk of bleeding with trauma, dental work, surgery, or if taking blood thinners (anticoagulants).

Some people like to use a support belt for the back. A belt may help some people at first, but should only be used for a short time. If used for a long time, a back support belt can make the back weaker. A good night's rest is important for back recovery. If the pain is preventing a good night's rest, make sure that the mattress is supportive and comfortable. Sleep on your side with your knees bent. Sometimes it helps to put a pillow between the knees while sleeping. When sleeping on your back, be sure to put a pillow under your knees to take the strain off your back.

During the first 4 weeks of acute low back pain, at least one spinal manipulation by a chiropractor or osteopathic provider may help the pain. It is best not to have a manipulation of the neck because there could be serious complications.

A healthcare provider will suggest starting an exercise program, usually within 2 weeks, or sooner, of the onset of the pain. Exercising helps strengthen the back and minimize the pain. Even though an exercise program is important in making the back better, it is important not to over exert. Based upon your health status, the provider will determine what type of exerciseyou should do and how long and how often you should do it. Your exercise program will gradually increase over time. Exercise should never be done if it causes or increases the back pain.

Following a regular exercise program will strengthen your muscles and make them more flexible. This can help prevent back pain from returning. Most back exercise programs will include stretching and strengthening exercises and low impact aerobic exercise, such as walking or swimming. Sometimes, it will be necessary to see a physical therapist to learn what exercises to do and how to do them.

Back Pain -- Prevention

The spine works all day every day, taking on the stress of the work and play we do. The back gives support while standing, bending, sitting, and sleeping. Back pain and back injury may occur if a person is out of shape or under stress.

A healthy spine has three natural curves that form a gentle "S" shape. These curves are:

* cervical, the curve inward at your neck

* thoracic, the curve outward in the middle and

* lumbar, the curve inward in the low back

When these curves are in their proper position, the ears will be in a straight line with the shoulders and hips. Strong and flexible muscles are necessary to maintain this balance. A healthy back requires good posture, strong flexible muscles, correct lifting and moving techniques, a healthy body weight, and a positive attitude about home and work.

Tips for a healthy back:

* Place a pillow under the knees when sleeping on your back or between the knees when sleeping on your side.
* Avoid sitting for long periods. Get up and walk around often. A lumbar support for the lower curve of the back is essential. A small pillow can be used for this. * If standing for a long time, place one foot on a stool.
* Plan the day's tasks so that sitting and standing tasks can be alternated.
* Learn how to correctly lift, reach, push, and pull. Let the legs do most of the lifting by bending the knees and keeping the back straight. Hold items close to the body even when they are not heavy.
* Exercise regularly.
* Relaxation exercises can relieve physical and emotional stress.
* Since smoking contributes to back problems, do not smoke.
* Perform daily back exercises to strengthen and improve the flexibility of the spine. A physical therapist or certified exercise specialist can help design the right routine for your back.

Back Pain -- causes

Many people suffer from back pain. Usually, the origin of back pain is the skeletal system and the muscles that support it. Back pain may also be caused by kidney, gastrointestinal or cardiac disorders. It may be caused by other organs or by a side effect of other diseases.

Once someone has had back pain, it is likely to be experienced again. The longer back pain goes on, the worse it gets. This cycle can be stopped when you know a little about your back and how it works.

The spine is made up of stacked bones called the vertebrae. They are arranged in three natural curves that keep your body supported. Strong, flexible muscles and ligaments help maintain these curves. Soft cushions called discs act as shock absorbers between the bones. The nerves run through the holes in the center of the vertebrae and branch out to your body.

The bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or discs can cause back pain. Here's how:

* The bones of the spine can develop arthritis, get narrower (compress), or pinch nerves causing the nerve to become irritated. This normally produces a lot of pain.

* Discs can degenerate or lose their shape and support, or they can bulge or rupture.

* Muscles can fatigue and weaken, or become inflexible. A weak abdomen cannot help support your back. Obesity puts an additional stress on the back.

* Ligaments can be over-stretched and cause the bones to lose their support.

* Poor posture, incorrect body mechanics, stress, inactivity or overexertion can lead to back pain.

Good posture is necessary to keep the bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments and discs working well together. Good posture while you move at work or at play is called body mechanics. Learning good body mechanics will keep your back moving safely and efficiently. Keeping your muscles toned and exercised is the key to good body mechanics.

Doing too much activity, or doing too little, are both harmful to your back. If you exceed your limits, injury can result. On the other hand, a person who is out of shape will be unable to maintain good posture. This may result in undue stress to the spine. Emotional stress can make a back problem worse, contributing to muscle strains and muscle spasms.

Learn how to use your back smartly and it will last you a lifetime. If your back pain is not relieved, or continues after using exercises, or if it gets worse, see your healthcare provider.

Back Pain

Most people have low back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is responsible for many lost workdays each year. Most acute back pain will go away by itself in a few days or weeks.

Back pain or injury can occur to anyone. It can be caused by stress on the muscles and ligaments that support the back. Jobs that require a lot of sitting or a lot of standing may contribute to back pain. Being overweight puts extra pressure on the back. Strenuous sports like football can injure the back.

The pain can be a mild discomfort that is just a mild ache in the lower back to severe pain that keeps the person from doing anything. Severe pain does not indicate a more serious cause of the pain.

Often, very little needs to be done for back pain to make it better. Many times it will go away without any treatment. Bed rest is not suggested any more, as staying in bed can make the back muscles weaker. If the pain is severe, no more than 1 to 2 days of rest may help. Sometimes, a healthcare provider will suggest using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen, for the pain. Aspirin or medicines that have aspirin in them should not be given to anyone younger than 18 years of age. Taking aspirin is a risk for a serious illness called Reye's syndrome. NSAIDs should be taken with food or milk to prevent stomach upset. NSAIDs should not be taken by anyone who has been diagnosed with asthma, ulcer disease, or a bleeding disorder. Taking NSAIDs increases the risk of bleeding with trauma, dental work, surgery, or if taking blood thinners (anticoagulants).

A cloth-covered ice pack or heating pad on low may be put on the pack to help with the short-term discomfort. The heat or ice should be on the back no longer than 20 minutes 4 to 8 times a day. Doing some mild exercising like walking or swimming may help to relieve the discomfort too.

If there is still pain after resting the back for several days, if it is severe, or comes back, the healthcare provider should be seen. The provider should also be seen for anyone with pain that goes into the legs or if there is numbness or tingling in the arms or legs. If there is loss of control of the bowel or bladder, this is more serious, and the provider should be seen as soon as possible.

Back pain can be avoided. Prevention starts with exercise on a regular basis and maintaining a healthy weight. Lose excess weight by following appropriate habits of diet and exercise. Have a certified fitness trainer customize a workout plan for you.

Learn safe lifting techniques. Bend with the knees and keep the back straight. Choose recreational and exercise activities that help keep the back flexible without putting too much pressure on it. Always warm up and stretch before participating in any vigorous activities.

Since smoking is known to be a factor in back pain, it is wise to quit, if you smoke.

A healthcare provider or a physical therapist can suggest exercises that will help strengthen the back and make it more flexible.

Back Exercises

Back exercises help strengthen and increase the flexibility of the muscles that support the back. It is important to exercise to keep in shape and have a strong, flexible back.

Back pain can affect people who are active as well as inactive. It is usually associated with weak muscles and poor flexibility of the back. Exercises can be done even when there is pain. Exercises are usually started a week after the pain begins. A healthcare provider can suggest a special exercise program for anyone with a back problem. Often 20 minutes of walking several times a day is the first exercise that is suggested. As the back pain gets better, more active exercise will be added, such as swimming, stationary bicycling or jogging.

Exercises such as double-leg raises, straight-leg sit-ups, sit-ups done with another person holding the feet, timed sit-ups, and standing toe touches should never be done. They put too much pressure and stress on the back.

The following exercises are exercises that are safe for people without back problems. They help make the back muscles stronger.

Exercise #1: Lie on the back with the knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Tighten the stomach muscles and press the lower back against the floor. Hold this position for a count of ten, then relax. This can be repeated 10 to 12 times.

Exercise #2: Lie on the back with the knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Slowly raise the head and shoulders off the floor, and reach the hands toward the knees. After a count of 10, slowly relax the head and shoulders and return to the floor. This exercise can be done 5 times.

Exercise #3: Lie on the back with the feet flat on the floor, raise the knees to the chest. Both hands should be put under the knees to gently pull the knees as close to the chest as possible. The head should not be raised. Lower the legs to the floor, without straightening them. This exercise can be repeated 5 times in a set. Several more sets of this exercise can be done throughout the day.

Exercise #4: Start this exercise by lying on the stomach. Tighten the muscles of one leg and raise the leg straight from the floor. Hold this position for a count of 10, before returning the leg to the floor. Repeat this with the other leg. Do this exercise 5 times for each leg.

These exercises can be done daily to maintain the strength and flexibility of the back. Do not do any exercise that causes pain. A healthcare provider should be seen if any back exercise causes pain.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Live longer and stay healthier with Tomato

A fruit that is more commonly used as a vegetable, botanically classified in the poisonous fruit family (nightshade plants), packed with lots of nutrients, and that which brings the beautiful red colour to many of our recipes, please welcome the most popular fruit in the world- The Tomato!! First cultivated in 700 AD, explorers returning from Mexico introduced the tomato into Europe in 1556. The French called it "the apple of love," the Germans "the apple of paradise", due to the misconception that it acts as an aphrodisiac (you are free to try it out though and prove it wrong!:)) A single average tomato has only 35 calories, and it's better to eat it cooked than raw. Let's explore more health benefits that this red tiny-tot holds within itself.

Lycopene - A phytochemical (carotenoid) that is responsible for the red color of tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables is a powerful antioxidant and may help reduce the risk of some cancers and cardiovascular disease. Unlike other carotenoids, lycopene is not converted into vitamin A by the body.Lycopene is a fat soluble substance that is found in the blood and tissues of the testes, adrenal glands, liver, prostate, breast, colon and lungs. Combined with vitamins C and E, it protect us from the free radicals that degrade many parts of the body.

Vitamins(A,B,C,E and K) - One tomato contains around 60-65% of the daily recommended vitamin intake.Vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, reducing blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Vitamin C helps form connective tissue, keeps capillaries healthy to help prevent easy bruising, and keeps the gums healthy. It also helps the body to access iron from plant sources. Vitamin A assists in maintaining normal cellular growth, aids in the development of healthy skin, hair and mucous membranes, proper vision, development of bones and teeth and reproduction. Vitamin K helps to maintain blood clotting, thus helping to prevent hemorrhaging (excessive bleeding). Vitamin K is used fr healthy bone growth through mineralization.

Potassium - Like banana, tomato contains significant amount of potassium which helps regulate blood pressure and aids muscle contractions. It may also reduce the risk of kidney stones and bone loss.

Dietary fiber - The undigestible part of a plant, Fiber can aid digestion by preventing constipation and thereby prevent Piles or similar ailments.

Besides all the above, Tomato contains several other nutrients which combined with the above help in preventing prostrate, colon, lung, stomah and endometrial cancers. They help in increasing longevity of life, and also prevent cataracts. Though raw tomatoes are great for you, cooking them in oil releases Lycopene which is stored in its cell wall, and can be better absorbed by the body. They are best when consumed within a few days after ripening.

So the next time you go grocery shopping, remember this article and pick a couple extra tomatoes (for the health benefits, not for me!!)

Please visit the actual blogsite at http://funnfud.blogspot.com

Drug Allergy

Any drug can cause an adverse drug reaction, which can range from a mild rash or hives to a life-threatening allergic reaction. There is a difference between being allergic to a drug and having a side effect from a drug. Prescription and over-the-counter medications provide instructions that should always be read and followed regarding proper use and side effect warnings. Some mild reactions to drugs are considered an adverse drug reaction, but are not considered a drug allergy. If you experience any drug-related symptoms, report them to your healthcare provider.

True allergic responses to drugs can affect most major organs including the skin, lungs, liver, kidneys, and blood vessels. The drugs most likely to cause these problems are antibiotics, certain vaccines, anti-seizure medicines, contrast dyes used for some x- rays, some heart and cancer drugs, and local anesthetics (like novacaine that dentists may use).

Common drug allergy symptoms include:

* itching of the skin or eyes
* skin rash or
* hives

Other more serious symptoms include:

* wheezing or breathing problems and
* anaphylactic shock

Emergency treatment may be required for an anaphylactic reaction, the most serious type of allergic reaction. Symptoms of hives, itching, and swelling usually appear within seconds or minutes after exposure and additional symptoms can ultimately result in severe respiratory distress, loss of consciousness, and even death if left untreated. Antibiotics, such as penicillin, can trigger this serious drug reaction in some people.

Diagnosis of drug allergy is based mostly on patient history. This requires that the healthcare provider be told of every drug that was taken at the time of a reaction, including prescription, over-the-counter, and herbal medicines. Once the drug that caused the reaction is identified, future use of that drug should be avoided. If an adverse drug reaction occurs while in the hospital, blood tests can be done to identify the drug causing the reaction. Following a drug allergy reaction, a provider may recommend that an allergist, a doctor who specializes in allergies, be seen.

Some people are allergic to antibiotics. The most common is penicillin, which belongs to the family of beta-lactam antibiotics. No one is born allergic to penicillin, nor can it be inherited. However, anyone can develop an allergy to penicillin after exposure to it. Most often the reaction is either hives or rashes that are itchy or irritating and that occur within 2 to 3 days of starting the medication. Sometimes a delayed reaction can occur after several weeks. Having an allergy to penicillin does not mean you are allergic to all antibiotics. If a penicillin allergy is suspected, the best way to confirm it is with a skin test.

Prevention of a recurrence of a drug allergy is achieved through strict avoidance of the drug in the future. This means being aware of hidden sources of the drug because it may be an ingredient in another medication. For future reference, keep the names written down of all drugs that caused the adverse reaction and keep this list in an easy to remember location. Be sure to check all labels for the names of these drugs before taking any over-the-counter and herbal medicines.

Allergy Testing in the Pediatric Specialty Clinic

Allergy testing may be done during your child's clinic visit.

We believe it is important to know what your child may be experiencing in order that you and your child are better able to prepare for the visit. As a parent you are best able to choose the most appropriate way to inform your child. In general, most children can be told 1-2 days before the visit. If your child is an anxious child or a very young child, you may want to wait until the day of or until shortly before the start of the procedure.

Be honest about the day's destination and purpose, and assure your child that you will be with him/her throughout the testing.

Why perform allergy testing?

An allergy test helps to identify things in your environment that may be causing your child's symptoms and enable the doctors to decide what type of medications, if any, may be needed to treat your child's condition. By identifying these things, changes can be made in your living space to potentially improve your child's health. For instance, if the test identifies your child is allergic to feathers; feather pillows could be replaced with a different type of pillow.

What happens during allergy testing?

The most common types of allergy tests used in our clinic are the puncture and intradermal allergy tests. Your child's physician will decide which type of testing will be used. In many cases, both types are combined to provide the most useful information.

* Puncture allergy testing:

A child having this test will be asked to remove his/her shirt and lie on his/her stomach while the test is applied on the back. A nurse will write letters on the child's back with an ink pen to label the areas where the test will be applied. The area is then cleaned. Drops of an allergen solution are placed on the spokes of a plastic test applicator. An allergen is a thing in your child's environment that may cause an allergic reaction. The applicator is then pressed on the child's back. Patients have described this sensation as feeling "like a hair brush being pressed on their back". Once the test is placed, each test location will have a drop of wet liquid. The patient will then be asked to lie very still for approximately 15 minutes to keep the drops of liquid from running together. This is important to keep the drops of different allergens from running together. Children may be tested for as many as 30 environmental allergens during this test. (The number could be higher if the child is being screened for food allergies in addition to the environmental allergens if food allergy testing is necessary. Individual cases vary at the discretion of the physician).

* Intradermal allergy testing:

A child having this test will be asked to remove his/her shirt, and sit upright as the test is applied to the upper arms. (If you are comfortable doing so, the child may sit on a parent's lap during the test application).

A nurse will write letters on the child's arms with an ink pen to label the areas where the test will be applied. The area is then cleaned. Small amounts of allergen are injected with a small needle syringe just below the surface of the skin. A child having this test can be tested for up to 14 allergens, each requiring individual injections.

A small reaction (similar to a mosquito bite) will appear within approximately 15 minutes if the test is positive. To be sure the test is effective, a control solution (histamine) will be applied. A positive reaction at this test site indicates the test is accurate.

A nurse will measure areas of reaction with a small ruler after test time has elapsed. Your child may experience some mild discomfort with "itching" from the testing. Applying a cool wet cloth following the reading of the test often relieves this discomfort.

What do I say if my child wants to know if allergy testing will hurt?

Each child is different in his/her ability to tolerate pain or discomfort. It is important to let your child know that they will probably experience some discomfort-especially during the intradermal testing. It is very important to be honest in answering their questions. Be honest about medical events at all costs. A child who has been deceived may lose trust with the medical team, and with you as a parent. Trust is a very difficult thing to rebuild. Finding out that testing is necessary may lead to some tears at the time of the discussion, but in the long run is healthier for your child's ability to cope.

If you would like further assistance in explaining outpatient medical events to your child, please contact Child Life at (319) 356-8904. Child Life Specialists are trained to help children and their families adjust to the medical setting.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Snake Venom can cure Cancer!

The poisonous venom of snakes like the black cobra and viper may provide a possible cure for cancer, according to a new research. A team of scientists at the Drug Development Division in the India Institute of Chemical Biology, Kolkata, has found that proteins present in snake venom can be used to prepare anti-cancer drugs.

The scientists are now trying to single out the proteins in the venom that have anti-cancer properties and inhibit the growth of malignant cells.

"The research can provide clues for development of anti-cancer drugs and our team is working on developing such drugs," Aparna Gomes, who led the team, told newspersons.

The scientists studied the anti-carcinogenic activities in the crude venom of Indian Monocellate cobra and Russell's viper on cancer of the skin, tumour (soft tissues) and blood in mice.

"Snake venom is a complex mixture of several toxic proteins and enzymes. These proteins not only inflict death to human beings, but can also be used for the treatment of cancer and many other diseases," Gomes said.

The study published in the Journal of Ethnophamacology gives an overview of various snake venom components that have prospects in health and diseases. (Agencies)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Ginko: A Natural Blood Thinner

What exactly is ginkgo, and what does it do?

For thousands of years, ginkgo extract, from the seeds and leaves of Ginkgo biloba, has been used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has since made its way west and has become one of the most commonly used herbal medicines.

Although the benefits of ginkgo are not clearly understood, it is believed that it may improve blood flow to the brain by thinning the blood. It is also thought that ginkgo reduces inflammation and may act as an antioxidant to fight cell damage.

"Because of this, ginkgo has been used in the treatment of a variety of conditions including blood flow disorders like thrombosis and Raynaud's phenomenon, and in the treatment of problems associated with memory and concentration, likely caused by decreased blood flow to the brain," says Nicole Nisly, MD, UI Hospitals and Clinics Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinic. Ginkgo also has been useful in treating asthma and allergies causing inflammation in the respiratory system.

If you are interested in taking ginkgo, be sure to check with your doctor. "Because of its ability to thin the blood, people who are already taking medications to thin the blood, such as aspirin or warfarin, should not take ginkgo without recommendation from their physician," Nisly says.

Ginkgo is available in health food and grocery stores and is sold in many different forms and combinations. Remember, ginkgo is not a regulated drug, so it does not have to meet the strict guidelines for potency and purity that prescription and over-the-counter medications must meet.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Biofeedback Can Help Fight Disease

Biofeedback. The name alone sounds like something from a science fiction novel, but in reality, biofeedback is a practical alternative medicine used to treat several diseases.

According to Nicole Nisly, MD, head of UI Hospitals and Clinics Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinic, biofeedback teaches you to control a function of the body that is normally automatically regulated. This includes functions such as blood pressure, heart rate, and skin temperature.

Why would you want to control these functions if the body already does? "The purpose of learning biofeedback is to improve the balance of your nervous system, with increased relaxation and a decrease in blood pressure and heart rate," Nisly says. "By doing so, you can treat certain ailments by learning to control certain parts of the nervous system, which may have suffered an imbalance caused by stress."

When you are learning biofeedback, therapists attach sensors to your body providing instant feedback on a body function using a monitoring device. Your therapist will then help you to control the function by teaching you physical and mental exercises related to the feedback.

Using these techniques, some patients have lowered their blood pressure, gotten rid of headaches, and helped control certain forms of mental illness, all without using medications. Biofeedback also has been useful in treating disorders of the digestive system. Physical therapists use biofeedback to help stoke victims regain muscle strength from paralysis and other movement disorders. Others use biofeedback to regain control of a poorly functioning bladder or bowel.

Most people need several sessions to learn the techniques of biofeedback and are usually successful by the time they complete 12 sessions. Contact your physician for more information about biofeedback and to recommend a therapist trained in the technique.

Aromas Can Be Therapy

Does the smell of pumpkin pie make you think of crisp autumn days? Does the smell of peppermint bring back pleasant childhood memories of the holidays? If so, then you already know a bit about the world of aromatherapy.

Aromatherapy uses essential oils, extracted from plants, flowers, herbs, and trees, to stimulate the sense of smell. "As one of the strongest senses we have, smell has the power to activate nerve cells that send impulses to the area of the brain associated with emotions and memory," says Nicole Nisly, MD, who heads the UI Hospitals and Clinics Complementary and Alternative Medicine Clinic.

According to Nisly, the oils may be used in different combinations to enhance healing on several levels. "Mentally and emotionally, the scents may evoke a pleasant memory," she says. "Physically, they may help to relieve certain conditions by stimulating the nervous, circulatory, or immune systems." The technique also helps in relaxation because the scents produced can give a feeling of peace and calm."

Aromatherapy has been found helpful in relieving stress, energizing the body, and promoting general well being. Recently, aromatherapy also has been found to ease the symptoms of dementia without the negative side effects of some medications.

It is believed that each oil has its own fragrance and personality, giving it its own unique healing action. The oils can be inhaled with a diffuser or added to bathwater, or they can be used in conjunction with massage to stimulate the mind and body simultaneously.

The oils used in aromatherapy are usually found in health-food stores or pharmacies, and the techniques of aromatherapy may be performed in your home. You also may chose to visit a trained aromatherapist who will help develop a mixture of oils specifically for you. If you are pregnant, an aromatherapist can help determine which oils you should avoid.

Alternative Medicine: The Powers of Garlic

Some of us ignore the smell and some of us even ignore the taste, but people can’t ignore the benefits of garlic. The herb has long been used to flavor our favorite foods, but research also suggests that garlic can decrease the risk of heart disease and may help prevent cancer.

According to Nicole Nisly, MD, associate professor of Internal Medicine, garlic has been associated with preventing colon, stomach, throat and prostate cancers. Nisly suggests a few possible reasons why garlic is thought to be a cancer-preventing herb: it increases natural killer cells that fight cancers, and it works as an antioxidant that protects cells and rids the body of cancer-causing agents.

Besides preventing cancer, garlic has been known to decrease fungal infections and bacteria in the body, lower cholesterol, and decrease risk of heart disease.

While the exact role of garlic in the preventive process is undetermined, it is believed that when garlic is crushed it forms allicin, which gives garlic its smell. When allicin is formed, it then breaks down further and, depending on how it is prepared, can increase the body’s resistance to cancer. So in order to reap the benefits of garlic, it must be used correctly. Allicin is destroyed by heat and age, so it's best to cook garlic at the lowest temperature possible with a brief cooking time.

How much garlic should you consume each day? This varies by how it is prepared. Nisly suggests taking a dose of 0.4-1.2 grams in a powder or supplement form. If you are using fresh garlic, prepare 1 clove twice a day or 4 grams once a day.

There are some side effects of garlic besides the strong taste and smell. Some people experience indigestion, intestinal or stomach discomfort (such as bloating or pain), sweating, light headaches, and other allergic reactions.

There are also some drug interactions people must be aware of before taking garlic. Garlic is actually a blood thinner, so it shouldn’t be taken if you are already on blood-thinning medications. As a result, patients who are about to undergo or have just finished surgery should not take garlic. Garlic has also been known to decrease the effectiveness of protease inhibitors, so individuals taking HIV drugs should not take garlic.

Supplements can be a beneficial way to maintain a healthy body, but Nisly emphasizes that it is important to remember that dietary supplements do have an effect on your body and that by taking them you run the risk of interactions.

Dietary supplements are not regulated or restricted by the Food and Drug Administration, so different brands may contain different amounts of the product. Therefore, Nisly recommends always using the same brand of supplements. It is important to research the brand you are taking to make sure what you get in the bottle is the real thing. Many companies have toll free numbers and Web sites that can help answer any questions. If you are still unsure, ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Weight loss myths

Myth: Fad diets work for permanent weight loss.
Fact: Fad diets are not the best option to loss weight. Fad diets may sometime help in weight loss and may also ask you to cut down certain foods from your diet. You might loss weight at first due to fad diets. But diets that strictly limit calories and food choices are hard to follow. People might find it difficult and often regain any lost weight.

Fad diets may not be healthy because they may not provide all the nutrients for your body. Also, losing weight at a very fast rate can increase the risk of developing gallstones – the cluster of solid material in the gallbladder that can be painful. Diets that provide less than 800 calories per day also could result in heart rhythm abnormalities which can be fatal.

Tips: Research has suggested that losing certain pounds (1 to 2) a week by eating healthy food choices eating lesser portions and including physical activity into your daily life is the best alternative to lose weight. By adopting healthy eating and physical activity habits you can lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure.

Myth: High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets are a healthy way to lose weight
Fact: The higher risks of health effects of a high-protein/low-carbohydrate diet are still not known. Eating foods such as meat, eggs and cheese is not termed as a balanced diet. You may eat too much of fat and cholesterol which may increase the chance of heart disease risk and other blood pressure problem. You may include fruits and vegetable as your daily diet, which may lead to constipation due to lack of dietary fiber.

Eating less than 130 grams of carbohydrate in a day can lead to ketones (partially broken-down fats) in your blood. A buildup of ketones in your blood (called ketosis) can cause your body to produce high levels of uric acid, which is a risk factor for gout (a painful swelling of the joints) and kidney stones. Ketosis can be risky for pregnant women and people with diabetes and kidney disease.

Tips: High-protein/low-carbohydrate diets can sometime be low in calories because food choices are strictly limited so they may cause short-term weight loss. But eating reduced-calorie which includes recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat will also allow you to lose weight. Following a balanced diet, will help you to lose weight. You may also find it easier to stick with a diet or eating plan that includes a numerous variety of foods.

Myth: Starches are fattening and should be limited when trying to lose weight
Fact: Foods that are high in starch includes bread, rice, pasta, cereals, beans, fruits, and some vegetables such as potatoes and yams are low in fat and calories. They can be high in fat and calories when they are eaten in large portion or when topped with other high-fat toppings like butter, sour cream or mayonnaise. Foods high in starch are the vital source of energy for your body.

Tips: All you need is to pay attention to serving sizes that you eat. Try to avoid high-fat such as whole grains like whole wheat bread, brown rice and oatmeal. Include other starchy foods that are high in dietary and fiber like beans, peas and vegetables.

Myth: Certain foods, like grapefruit, celery, or cabbage soup, can burn fat and make you lose weight
Fact: There are no foods which can help burn fat. Foods with caffeine can speed up the metabolism (the way body uses energy) for certain time, but they do not lead to weight loss.

Tips: The best alterative to reduce your weight is to cut down the amount of fat and calories.

Meal Myths
Myth: "I can lose weight while eating whatever I want."
Fact: In order to loss weight you need to burn your calories, than you eat. It is possible to eat food you want and loss weight. All you need is to limit the amount of calories you eat and increase your daily physical activity. Cutting down the portion is the key to loss your weight. Eat small amounts of food and choosing foods that are low in calories.

Tips: When you are in the process to lose weight you can still eat your favorite foods as long as you pay attention to the amounts of calories.

Myth: Skipping meals is a good way to lose weight.
Fact: Studies have shown that people who skip their breakfast and eat few times during the day tend to be heavier than people who eat a healthy breakfast and eat good food a day. Because people who skip meals they feel hungrier and eat more than they normally eat. It should be noted that eating many small meals throughout the day helps people control their appetites.

Tips: Eat small amount of meals that include low-fat and low-calories.

Myth: Eating after 8 p.m. causes weight gain.
Fact: It really does not matter what time of day you normally eat your meal. What matter is how much you eat and how much physical activity you do during the entire day which helps to determines whether you gain, lose or maintain your weight.

Tips: All you need is to control the amounts of fat and calories and increase the physical activity to loss weight, the time you eat is really doesn’t matter .

Physical Activity Myth
Myth: Lifting weights is not good to do if you want to lose weight, because it will make you "bulk up."
Fact: Doing regular exercise which includes weight lifting activities like push-ups and crunches on a regular basis can actually help you maintain or lose weight. These activities can help you build and burn muscle and also more calories than body fat. Doing strengthening activities 2 or 3 days a week will not bulk you up.

Tips: Doing regular exercise is good for your health other than moderate-exercise you must include walking or jogging 2 to 3 times in a week.

Food Myths
Myth: Nuts are fattening and you should not eat them if you want to lose weight.
Fact: Nuts can be part of a healthy weight-loss program. They are high in calories and fat. However, most nuts contain healthy fats that do not clog arteries. Nuts are also good sources of protein, dietary fiber and minerals including magnesium and copper. It can help you to reduce the chances of getting heart related problems.

Tips: Eating small portions of nuts can be very fruitful.

Weight Cycling

What Is Weight Cycling?
Weight cycling can be defined as the repeated loss and regain of body weight. Weight cycling is the result of dieting; and is often called "yo-yo" dieting. A weight cycle can range from small weight losses and gains to large changes in weight.

Experts are not sure whether weight cycling can leads to health problems. Studies suggest that the possible health problems such as blood pressure, high cholesterol, and gallbladder disease.

Weight cycling may affect your mental health, due to the reason that it can make a person feel depressed about their weight.

If I regain lost weight, won't losing it again be even harder?
For the person who has been repeatedly loses and gain weight over a period of time shouldn’t have problem as against the person who is losing weight for the first time. Studies have shown that weight cycling does not affect metabolic rate – the rate at which the body burns food to generate energy. Based on these, weight cycling should not affect the weight loss program of an individual. Metabolism slows down as the person ages. In order, to improve the overall process of weight loss the person should be involves in regular physical activity as well as healthy eating habits can be a part of your life and improves the health.

Will weight cycling leave me with more fat and less muscle than if I had not dieted at all?
Weight cycling has not been blamed to increase the amount of fat tissue in people who are in process of lose and gain weight. Studies have found that after weight cycle, those return to normal weights have same amount of fat tissue as they did before starting weight cycling.

People are more worried that weight cycling can put-up some more fat around their stomach area. People who tend to carry excess fat in the stomach area, instead of in the hips, thighs, and buttocks, are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Is weight cycling harmful to my health?
Research on weight cycling has suggested that it may involve the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol and gallbladder disease.

Losing and gaining weight can have a negative psychological effect, which can lead to depression of gaining weight. Weight cycling should not be taken up seriously. Instead it is a way to focus on making long-term changes in your diet and level of physical activity to help you keep healthy.

Is staying overweight healthier than weight cycling?
The diseases associated with being obese are well known. These include:

* High blood pressure
* Heart disease
* Stroke
* Type 2 diabetes
* Certain types of cancer
* Arthritis
* Gallbladder disease.

Not every person who is overweight has the same of disease. Either you are a man or woman the amount and location of your fat, or your family history of disease all plays a vital role in determining your disease risk.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

alcoholism -- Causes

Alcoholism is a chronic illness characterized by the habitual consumption of alcohol. Some alcoholics drink daily. Others drink less often, but the drinking becomes out of control. Alcohol use is to the degree that it interferes with physical or mental health or with normal social or work behavior.

Alcohol produces both physical and psychological addiction. It is a central nervous system depressant that reduces anxiety, inhibition, and feelings of guilt. It lowers alertness and impairs perception, judgment, and motor coordination. In high doses, it can cause loss of consciousness and even death. Chronic alcoholism damages the brain, liver, heart, and other organs.

Many people wonder what causes alcoholism. No one can become an alcoholic if they do not drink alcohol. For people who do choose to drink alcohol, some seem to be able to drink without problems, while others do not. Nonetheless:

* There are certain signs and symptoms that are the same for every alcoholic.

* There are certain "stages" that each alcoholic will go through if the disease is not treated.

* Alcoholism is chronic, and the disease won't go away on its own.

* Without treatment, alcoholism can cause death.

* Alcoholism can be treated.

We can think of alcoholism like we think of other diseases. Some people are more at risk for the disease. They can learn ways to live with the disease and take care of themselves. As in other diseases, if the person refuses treatment, the disease will get worse, and the person may even die.

Risk factors for alcoholism in people who drink alcohol include:

* a family member who is alcoholic,

* a history of other substance abuse,

* depression, or

* post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Research has shown that alcoholics may not be able to metabolize alcohol in the way other people can. It may never be completely understood what causes alcoholism, but there is treatment for alcoholism. If an alcoholic decides to get treatment, he or she has a very good chance of living a long and healthy life.

To find out more about alcoholism and treatment, contact the National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence at (800) NCA-CALL, your school nurse or counselor, worksite nurse, Employee Assistance Program, or Alcoholics Anonymous in the white pages of your phone book.

Alcohol and drugs may be quite a trip

If alcohol and drugs have been your tour guide, maybe it is time for a change.

Alcohol or drug addiction are life threatening diseases. Alcohol related crashes killed 17,013 Americans in 2003. An additional 600,000 were seriously injured. Alcohol related crashes in the United States cost the public an estimated $114.3 billion in 2000.

Alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic, progressive illnesses displaying certain symptoms in the early, middle and late stages of addiction. Alcoholism and drug addiction are treatable.

If you think alcohol or drug use is one of the causes of your stay here in the hospital, we encourage you to answer the following questions:

* Have you ever decided to stop drinking (using drugs) for a week or so but only lasted for a couple of days?
* Do you wish people would mind their own business about your drinking (use of drugs) - stop telling you what to do?
* Have you ever switched from one kind of drink (drug) in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk?
* Have you ever had an "eye-opener" upon awakening during the past year?
* Do you envy people who can drink (use drugs) without getting into trouble?
* Have you had problems connected with drinking (using drugs) during the past year? Be honest! Experts say that if you have a problem with alcohol or drugs and continue using, it will get worse - never better. Eventually, death or institutionalization may result. The only hope is to stop!
* Has your drinking (drug use) caused trouble at home?
* Do you ever try to get "extra" drinks (drugs) at a party because you do not get enough?
* Do you tell yourself you can stop drinking (using drugs) any time you want to, even though you keep getting drunk (high) when you don't mean to?
* Have you missed days of work or school because of drinking (using drugs)?
* Do you have "blackouts?" A blackout is when a person loses a period of time while drinking or using drugs.
* Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink (use drugs)?

Many people who answer yes to four or more of these questions realize they have a problem. There is no cure for alcoholism (addiction). It is treatable. If drinking (drug use) continues, the results are accurately predictable.

Treatment options include:

* Inpatient treatment at a hospital or treatment center. This may include a 30-day stay.
* Outpatient treatment. This can be arranged around work hours if needed. Length of treatment varies with individual.
* Attending Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) or Narcotics Anonymous (NA) meetings. This is most often effective if in combination with one of the first two options. Local AA Intergroup can be reached at 338-9111 for a meeting schedule. This hospital offers an open AA meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday evenings at 7 p.m.
* Iowa Substance Abuse Information Center can give you information on assistance in your local area. Call 1-800-247-0614 for information for your area. Hours are Monday- Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
* A professional addiction counselor can help plan the treatment best for you.
* Al-Anon is a support group for family and friends. Check with your local AA chapter for further information. 319-341-7068 for Iowa City area.
* An RN and/or counselor from The Chemical Dependency Center or 5BT is available to talk with you about options and give you information for outpatient treatment here at UIHC.

Alcoholism is considered a disease. It has a pattern of identifiable symptoms that will gradually get worse and will lead to an early death unless treated.

Alcoholism is thought of as a family disease because it affects everyone in the family. Treatment centers often request that the family participate in counseling to help themselves and provide support for their recovering family member.

Treatment is only a beginning. Recovery is a lifelong process characterized by periods of growth and sometimes relapse. It is not a sign of failure on the part of the client or counselor if relapse occurs. It is not unusual for people to require treatment more than once in their lifetime.

We hope you have learned more about alcohol/drug addiction. If you're looking for a change and think alcohol (drugs) is a problem, we will assist you in getting the right help.