
Saturday, June 23, 2007

ABCs of Nutrition


VITAMIN A: fat soluble for vision, gene expression, reproduction, immune function, embryonic developement, human growth.

VITAMIN B1: thiamine...converts carbohydrates and aminos to energy..helps heart,
muscles, and nervous system to operate

VITAMIN B2: riboflavin..human growth and reproduction, red blood cells, energy from carbs

VITAMIN B3: niacin...digestion, skin and nerves, cholesterol reduction

VITAMIN B5: pantothenic acid..fatty acid metabolism, synthesis of hormones and cholesterol

VITAMIN B6: pyridoxine..metabolism of amino acids and glycogen , antibodies in the immune system

VITAMIN B9: folic acid...synthesis of protein , DNA production, tissue growth, cell function

VITAMIN B12: cell metabolism, red blood cell production, central nervous system

BIOTIN: muscle mass

CHOLINE: improved memory and magnesium stores

VITAMIN C: in vivo production of collagen, or your body's infrastructure

VITAMIN E:tocotrionols...potent antioxidant, heart, circulation, cancer prevention , etc

ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS or E.F.A.'s the omega oils..should be a mix of 4 parts omega 3 to 1 part omega 1 to 1 part conjugated linoleic acid..essential to tissue repair

MINERALS the correct balance of bio-identical bioavailable salts..essential for growth and hormone balance

17 steps to better health

1. Do not eat sugar or high-sugar containing foods.

High sugar in your diet will stimulate micro-organisms in the gut and in your intestinal tract. It will overstimulate the growth potential for fungal and yeast infections. Diets that are high in sugar are feeding the bad remnants in our system. And when you feed the bad, those bad organisms give off toxic metabolites. Then your body has to deal with it and handle it. Therefore, it taxes and compromises your immune system.

Therefore, in this category, the foods we should all be avoiding include carbonated drinks, cookies, biscuits, dried fruits, and any food that has added sugars to it. We strongly recommend that you use Stevia as a natural sweetener.

2. Do not consume caffeine

Having a cup of coffee or two occasionally is not a major problem. It's when folks have 5-6 or 8-9 cups of coffee a day that they are asking for trouble.

The main reason is with adrenals...with caffeine, you are abnormally sitmulating the adrenals. You are driving the adrenals to increase output and you are causing your adrenals to work harder than they are already working. And for the average American, who doesn't sleep well, doesn't eat real well, and doesn't get enough exercise, your adrenals don't need more stress loaded on them. Caffeine is absolutely going to be an antagonist to your adrenal system.

3. Reduce or eliminate cow milk and cow milk products

Dairy products are problematic because the pasteurization and homogenization process is changing the molecular structure. There are a lot of implications to cardio vascular health and not because of the fat content alone. But because of how the molecular structure of the proteins has been changed.

Another reason is that dairy products are very allergy inducing. And you don't have to have a full-blown allergy to a dairy based product. Dairy products, cow dairy in particular, is fifth on the list of foods most antagonistic to the system. So, what that really is saying to me is it has a great potential to compromise your immune system. If you potentially have an immune response, and you are drinking 4-5 glasses of milk, or you are consuming ice cream on a regular basis, you are antagonizing your immune system.

4. Reduce starch intake

Starches are simple carbohydrates. That would include white flours, processed refined baked goods, cookies, and very heavy simple white starchy foods.

Not included here are the complex carbohydrates, the type of carbohydrates found in fruits and so on.

Focus on reducing the amount of starch. Why? Because a simple starch is very quickly converted to sugar. Why do you need to reduce your sugar intake? Because it compromises your immune system. A study showed that if you give an individual a sugar bolus, the equivalent of 2 donuts, it compromises your system for the next four hours, it reduces your lymphocyte production, your immune system production, by 30%. 30% is a staggering overwhelming number!

5. Increase intake of vegetables

When you increase your intake of vegetables, especially when you eat all the colors, the green, the red, the yellow, what you are doing is increasing the nutrient intake. The level of vitamins and minerals that are bio-available to you are increased. Therefore you've got an inherent health promoting benefit right there by increasing the quality of the nutrients that you are taking in.

Second, you are adding soluble fiber that actually aides in the movement of pathogenic (that means, disease inducing) types of bacteria and fungus from your intestinal track.

6. Increase intake of dietary fiber

Dietary fiber helps to remove a lot of the toxic remnants, harmful bacteria. Especially when the dietary fiber comes from vegetables, and especially those coming from the cruciferous family. What happens is you will increase the excretion of excess hormone type metabolites in your gut that you may be receiving from foods (low level hormones in foods, etc). By increasing the amount of dietary fiber, the number of bowel movements will increase and the efficacy of your bowel movements also increases. The more toxic remnants that you can remove from the intestinal track, the more you lower the overall load on your system.

7. Eat small amounts every 1 1/2 to 2 hours

In other words, grazing. Have vegetables, fruits and nuts at your disposal so that you can consume them over a regular period of time. If you have intestinal health problems and you go for long periods of time with nothing in your stomach, you are allowing the gastric acid secretions to work on the lining of the stomach. By eating small amounts, you are not over taxing your digestive processes.

You lower the load in digestive difficulties by eating smaller, more frequent, health promoting types of foods.

8. Reduce intake of cured or canned foods

Nitrates and cured foods are difficult on your intestinal track. They have been proven to be carcinogenic. We're not saying that these foods do not taste good. They do. But the fact of the matter is, they are carcinogenic.

9. Eliminate alcohol and tobacco

Alcohol irritates the lining of the stomach. Tobacco robs your system of oxygen - the ability of your red blood cells to carry oxygen. That results in a reduction of muscular function efficiency in feeding your extremities. Add to that high blood pressure, heart disease, inducement of arterier cardiovascular types of diseases.

Alcohol, and particularly wine and hard alcohol, contains a lot of sugar. And we've already talked about sugar. Beer contains a lot of yeast. And if you have a fungal or yeast problem and you drink beer, you are making the problem worse.

10. Increase water intake

Water is critical. Water will improve your detoxication pathways. It will help to carry nutrients more efficiently to your cells. It has the ability to act almost as an energizer.

Water also helps hunger. A study was done on how your body recognizes it's sensation to hunger. When you do not have adequate hydration, the glucose and the nutrients do not get to the brain efficiently. The brain is a highly energy dependent organ in the body and when it senses that it is not receiving adequate nutrients, it will put out the signal for more food. Drinking more water does not help you lose weight because it fills you up, it helps because it makes sure that what you are consuming is carried to where it needs to go. Therefore, even though indirectly, it helps to curb your appetite because of the brain response.

Purified water is nature's natural cleanser.

11. At a minimum, take a good bio-available Multi-vitamin and CoQ-10

A good mult-vitamin is necessary because you need the B Complexes, you need the energy transport, it aids in cellular efficiency in elimination of toxins, and it improves the viabillity of the cellular structures. The B's are also very important to your liver. The lipotropic agents, such as mathiameine and cystine (which are amino acids), will aid and encourage and stimulate liver detoxification. Magnesium is important to detox pathways and to liver function. A good multi-vitamin along with maybe some of the good oils that we often talk about, flax oil or Triple EFA, are very important to health enhancement.

CoQ-10 improves cellular oxygenation and cellular function.

12. Add the minerals not present in the Multi-Vitamin

Selenium, especially, is one of these. Selenium, amazingly, is a helpful for reducing the potential for cancer risk. Bio-available selenomethameine has been shown to raise glutothione. When you raise glutothione, you raise your overall immune properties. Remember, though, if you take a good bio-available multi-vitamin, you don't need to do anything specific in this area.

13. Make sure you are eating enough fish or taking essential fatty acids

Essential fats are absolutely key to mobilization, utilization and reducing inflammatory states. Especially the fish oils because of the omega 3 content.

Transfatty acids and/or foods that are rich in omega 6 or omega 9 actually feed the wrong pathway. They are actually pro-inflammatory. They encourage inflammation. We want to reduce inflammatory states.

14. Take a ProBiotics with at least 3 billion live cultures in the right proportions
and form

At least 80% of the people we work with have some need of reinhancement in this area. The need comes from our eating habits, our antibiotic exposure. There's something about cleaning up the gut, and restoring and reinocculating with the right types. The bifidol bacterium, the lacto basilio ascidophilus, the brevium, the prenarium. These are all key, very key. A good healthy gut should have at least 2 kilo of bacteria floral remnants because they aid your digestion, they aid in your immune function. Your stomache has everything to do with your immune system.

Having a good healthy gut does not guarantee that you will never get sick, but it does put your body in the base position to be as healthy from an immune standpoint as you possibly can.

15. When necessary, take a supplement of natural digestive aids

If you are not digesting well, you are not receiving all the nutrients and you are opening yourself up for the potential for allergen induction over a long period of time. Undigested food remnants in your intestinal track, the potential for developing food allergies at some point in time increases many times over.

16. When necessary, add an immunemodulator in a natural remedy to your diet

An immunemodulator is anything from something as simple as echinacea and goldenseal to cholesterum extracts all the way up preps. that we use with our patients. Depending on where you are, an immunemodulator could definitely be a part of the program for you.

17. When necessary, take an antifungal medication or a natural yeast and fungal controlling remedy

If you have a tremendous amount of yeast or fungal overgrowth, it will produce a toxic metabolites that will compromise your immune system.

To actually gain the support of a traditional medical practicioner, you will need to do a stool culture or a toxic metabolite screen and prove you have overgrowth. If you don't want to do that, you can do a lot of good natural intestinal cleansers such as Pau Diarko or Cat's Claw. We offer our product, Bowel Support.

In many cases, it's not always about cleaning up and reinocculating with good, but modulating the immune system or supporting it are just as important as cleaning up. A strong host environment is when you have a good solid immune function and you are not being compromised, you should not be nearly as suseptible to fungus, yeast and bacterial overgrowth.

You want to cleanup and reduce the amount of stress and when you have done that successfully, you then need to stimulate the innate God-given abilities that your immune system has so that you do not become a hospitable host. You don't want these things setting up camp.

In Summary:

As Tiger Woods says, "When I make a mistake, I learn how to recover." When we are looking at our health, that key word, "recovery" is a key point. We know we've made mistakes. We know we used to smoke. We used to drink. We used to do other things that drove us to the point where we are today.

Improving your health is a process. Do not be discouraged. If you enhance yourself by following these 17 steps, you should see a major change in the way you feel, the way your body is processing, bowel function, mental clarity, etc.

It is a process. It needs to be a change in the way of life. And just because of the way life is, you are not going to do this 100% of the time, all the time. No. Because we don't live in a bubble. We don't live in a plastic world. That's reality. But, we have seen where people have made the commitment to make the dietary changes along with the correct targeted nutrient supplementation and they have seen astounding results. It comes down to a matter of discipline and commitment. You need to ask God to help you, to give you the strength and the wisdom to turn away from the foods that are bad for you.

The dietary changes are the foundation to these steps helping you.

Healthy Lifestyle tips

Choose healthy food when you go shopping. That will make it so much easier to make healthier choices when you are at home looking for something to eat.

Eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. That means more fruit and veggies. Reduce the amount of fatty, salty, sugary, and processed foods.

Drink a lot of water. Avoid sugary drinks. Many times, they are high in calories and low in nutritional value.

Provide a substantial nutritious snack for your children to tide them over until dinner. This will help them to avoid nibbling or grazing and getting too full for dinner. Soup or a sandwich are great options.

Fruit is a great healthy snack. Find a local farmer whom you trust and choose apples and other seasonal fruit.

Get your kids involved in what they eat. Give them a range of healthy choices for their lunch box and after-school snacks..

Mindless eating can lead to overeating. Sit down, turn off the TV and eat together as a family.

Learn to use fresh ingredients and cook good basic meals from scratch.

Portion control - that's the name of the game. Watch your portion sizes and don't give children too much on their plate.

Make trying new foods fun with your children in order to get them to eat a variety of food.

Make healthy food choices the norm. But don't stress out over eating healthily. There is nothing wrong with the occasional biscuit or pizza.

Get exercise for at lease 30 minutes each day. That could mean a variety of activities - walking in the park one day, or cycling or jogging the next. Mix it up to keep it interesting.

10 Ways to avoid Headaches

1. Eat Breakfast and Have Predictable Meal Times

2. Wake Up and Go to Bed the Same Time Each Day

3. Exercise At Least 3 Times per Week

4. Biofeedback Daily

5. No Smoking, Limit Caffeine after 4 pm, No Aspertame or Nutrasweet

6. Learn the Headache Pattern

7. Pamper Yourself During Stressful Times

8. Resolve Disputes - Forgive, Release, Resolve, Accept Imperfection as Human

9. Play Time is as Important as Work Time

10. Hydration

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Difference between REIKI and other healing methods

Reiki is simple. As compared to other forms of therapy which may demand months of training, Reiki can be learnt in a weekend. The ability to learn Reiki is not dependant on any special attributes in the learner. It is passed on from one the teacher to the student and he can then do Reiki. So, even a child can learn Reiki. In other forms healing, the healer must concentrate hard on sending energy. In Reiki, once the initial intention to treat has been completed and the hands have been placed on the body, the energy is drawn on its own.

Reiki is quite effective for self-treatment. Reiki is always with the personal and requires no special devices. Whenever there is pain somewhere, or when there is a feeling of tiredness, Reiki can be used to energize and calm down.

Principles of REIKI

Fundamentally Reiki involves channeling the Universal life force or the cosmic force into the body, it is much more effective if the practitioner is emotionally and ethically healthy. Keeping these requirements in mind. Dr. Usui developed five principles of Reiki:
Just for today I will live the attitude of gratitude:
To live in gratitude is to live in abundance. When we keep dwelling on what we don’t have we continue to experience of not having. One must live in a state of gratitude, consciously appreciating and thanking the many blessings of life. It helps in transforming negative attitudes into positive ones.
Just for today, I will not worry:
Negative thoughts indicate a lack of faith in Searchd and hinder the outcome of our efforts. Live each day to the best of your ability, and surrender yourself to the Higher Self. A positive frame of mind, makes the situations appear far better than they would otherwise be.
Just for today I will not be angry:
Anger comes up when there is a fear, when one starts feeling helpless and out of control. The best way to handle it is not to repress it but rather by feeling it fully and becoming fully aware of our actions to others and thereby, over a period of time learning to master our emotions. Persons who know and have developed the ability to handle anger, have made their lives happy.
Just for today I will do my work honestly:
Doing the work honestly and facing the truth in all things brings a peace of mind and calmness which can transform the person and raise his self-esteem.
Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing:
To help in healing the whole world and developing a loving atmosphere, we must show respect to all living things.

How to learn REIKI?

Reiki consists of an attunement process, which can be explained as a series of initiations, where a Reiki master transmits energy to the student in an amplified state. It creates an open channel for energy to flow in from the student’s head through the upper energy centers and out through the hands. In addition, it initiates a 21-day cleansing period, due to the quickening of the persons energy pattern.

The first degree course begins with introductory explanations and then the first of the four initiations. The first degree will enable you to transfer Reiki to yourself and others by the laying on of your hands. The physical body is opened up so that it can channel greater quantities of life force energy. Once you are initiated into the Reiki energy, you will never lose it. Even if you do not practice Reiki, it will flow automatically whenever you lay your hands on somebody for treatment.

Second degree attunement process provides a further increase in vibratory level. They initiate the person to the power keys or symbols, which are used to perform absentee and mental healing. The development of the intuitive center located at the pituitary gland is activated, thus empowering the learner and sharpening his senses. The second degree allows you to do special treatments on mental, emotional or addictive patterns.

The Master level or the third degree is final level of Reiki. Originally, Mastership was only for those dedicated to teaching but now a days more and more people are opting for the third degree. At a Reiki centre a minimum of one year of working with the Second degree is required before one can petition to be accepted for this advanced level of study. Masters are fully trained in the activation of the First and Second degree practitioners

How Does REIKI Heal?

Life force is the non-physical energy that animates all living things. It flows through the body through certain pathways, which are called chakras and meridians. Also, it creates energy field— aura, which surrounds the body and permeates it.

Reiki heals by tapping into this life force and regulating its flow. Life force becomes disrupted when negative thought attach themselves to the energy field and obstruct the flow of vital energy, resulting in disease. Reiki straightens and heals the energy pathways, thus leading to positive thoughts and life force to flow in a healthy way.

Reiki treatment is done by laying hands gently on various parts of the body with fingers closed tight. The recipient feels a kind of flowing sensation, often combined with sensation of warmth.

Some recipients of Reiki say that they never before experienced such a deep sense of peace and relaxation. The recipient is brought into a state of unity with the harmony of the universe, and then he can heal himself by using his natural ability.

Reiki functions on all levels— mental and spiritual, physical and emotional. It cleanses the body of all toxins and encourages the body’s natural ability to heal itself. It amplified and balances energy, increases awareness and creativity helps, helps in releasing the blocked emotions and stress leading to total relaxation.

Effects and benefits of Reiki

Reiki is an extremely effective technique for total relaxation and stress reduction. Reiki can not only effect changes in the physical structure of the body by helping to regenerate organs and re-build tissues but also helps to create balance on the mental level.

One of the greatest benefits is self treatment. Treating oneself helps to release withheld emotions and energy blocks.

Reiki has been found to :
Balance the energy
Reverse aging process.
Amplify the energy levels.
It heals holistically.
It can never do damage since it flows in quantities necessary for the recipient.

History of REIKI?

What is it?
Reiki is a very ancient science, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in mid 1800’s. Reiki in Japanese means universal life Force Energy. It is made of two parts, ‘Rei’— meaning universal, transcendental spirit, and ‘Ki’— meaning energy or power. In India, this energy is called Shakti or ‘Prana’.

Reiki is a method of connecting universal energy with the body’s innate power of healing. Reiki is simple and anybody can learn it. The possibility of self-treatment makes it quite advantageous. Self-treatment amplifies the life force energy in our body releasing the withheld emotions and energy blocks. The results may not be immediately perceptible but it is definitely helpful in relieving stress and helping the person think positive.

As in most things Reiki must be experienced to be appreciated. Practicing Reiki helps create harmony in the body, giving a deep sense of peace and relaxation.

The Principles of Reiki?
Dr. Usui developed five principles of Reiki:

Just for today I will give thanks for my many blessings: One must live in a state of gratitude, consciously appreciating and thanking the many blessings of life. It helps in transforming negative attitudes into positive ones.

Just for today, I will not worry: Negative thoughts indicate a lack of faith in Searchd and hinder the outcome of our efforts. A positive frame of mind, makes the situations appear far better than they would otherwise be.

Just for today I will not be angry: Persons who know and have developed the ability to handle anger, have made their lives happy.

Just for today I will do my work honestly: Doing the work honestly and facing the truth in all things brings a peace of mind and calmness which can transform the person and raise his self-esteem.

Just for today I will be kind to my neighbour and every living thing: To help in healing the whole world and developing a loving atmosphere, we must show respect to all living things.

Introduction to REIKI?

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a very ancient science, rediscovered by Dr. Mikao Usui in mid 1800’s. Reiki in Japanese means universal Life Force Energy. It is made of two parts, ‘Rei’— meaning universal, transcendental spirit, and ‘Ki’— meaning energy or power. In India, this energy is called Shakti or ‘Prana’. It is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of ‘life force energy’ to improve health and enhance quality of life.

Reiki is a method of connecting universal energy with the body’s innate power of healing. Reiki is simple and anybody can learn it. The possibility of self-treatment makes it quite advantageous. Self-treatment amplifies the life force energy in our body releasing the withheld emotions and energy blocks.

What are its unique features?
It is a hands-on healing system for channeling the Universal Life Energy. The way of learning is through initiations, where the student is connected up to the Reiki channel by a Reiki master.

Following are the basic features of Reiki treatment:

Reiki is not given. It is made available. The patient draws as much energy as he requires.
Reiki is given only on asking.
Once a student is initiated by a Reiki master it is there for life. Even if one doesn’t practice it one doesn’t forget Reiki, its always there.
Attunement affects each person individually depending on their vibratory level. One can increase the energy level and healing capacity by practicing daily and treating oneself.

What Can Be Treated?
Reiki is both powerful and gentle. In its long history of use it has aided in healing virtually every known illness and injury including serious problems like: multiple sclerosis, heart disease, and cancer as well as skin problems, cuts, bruises, broken bones, headache, colds, flu, sore throat, sunburn, fatigue, insomnia, impotence, poor memory, lack of confidence, etc. It is always beneficial and works to improve the effectiveness of all other types of therapy. Reiki will improve the results of all medical treatment, acting to reduce negative side effects, shorten healing time, reduce or eliminate pain, reduce stress, and help create optimism.

Who can learn Reiki?
As compared to another forms of therapy where the learner has to have certain attributes to be able to learn the technique, Reiki is quite different . Here the ability to learn is not dependent on intellectual capacity, or on the ability to meditate or similar such things. It does not take years of practice. It is simply passed on from the teacher to the student. As soon as this happens, one has and can do Reiki. Because of this, it is easily learned by anyone.

The results may not be immediately perceptible but it is definitely helpful in relieving stress and helping the person think positive. As in most things Reiki must be experienced to be appreciated. Practicing Reiki helps create harmony in the body, giving a deep sense of peace and relaxation

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

About Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing process for the body and mind with the use of fragrances. The basis of this therapy lies in the essential oils contained in plant materials. These can be found in leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, bark and resin. These oils are highly concentrated and when extracted, can either be used in a pure form or diluted and blended with other oils to produce the required strength.

Essential oils are medicinal and fragrant and travel through the blood stream reacting with hormones and enzymes. When the fragrance is inhaled the nerve ends in the nose transmit pleasurable signals to the brain which reacts to the positive power of the fragrant aroma inducing pleasant memories, restoring emotional balance and encouraging relaxation and energisation. Many of these fragrant oils have antiseptic and antitoxic qualities and often act as an antidote to viral infections, inflammations, aches and pains.

The origin of Aromatherapy cannot be traced to any particular era or civilization. But the virtues of fragrance were known even in the earliest civilizations. In India and Egypt the art of distillation of essential oils were known as early as 1500 B.C. There are many legends that arise from nearly every land that proclaim the sanctity of one fragrance or another.

The Aroma - therapist adopts the virtue of the fragrance of natural substances, extracts it into oil or synthetically reproduces it, and uses it for healing and health maintenance. In other words, the aim of the Aroma therapist is to capture the effects of the scents of the world-both conscious and unconscious and to blend them together in such a way that their effect is directed to a specific purpose.

This therapy is used not only for the treatment of physical illnesses but also used to improve the mental and even the spiritual conditions as well.

Applications of Aromatherapy

It is mainly divided into two

1. Inhalation
2. External Application.

Inhalation are of two types (a) direct inhalation and (b) indirect inhalation. In the case of direct inhalation Aromatherapy remedy is applied directly to the effected area. But in indirect inhalation the persons surroundings are treated with the chosen scent.

Inhalation is the more widely used method of delivering scent. In earlier days, the herb was burned and the fumes inhaled by the ailing individual for relief. Today, there are many other alternative methods to accomplish inhalation therapy, like use of oil diffusers, potpourri cookers, vaporizers, inhaling the fragrance directly from the bottle or soaking cotton balls etc. Oil diffuser is a machine specially designed as a system of delivering fragrances from an oil or oil blend into the air. Vaporizer is a device used for converting liquid to gaseous form for inhalation. Potpourri is a combination of different aromatic substances generally heated to infuse the air with a pleasing aromatic blend.

External application is also employed in both the healing and the magical facets of Aromatherapy. External application include Massage therapy, Aromatic bath etc. Thus through external application, the individual is actually taking in the healing properties of the essential blend through the skin. For massage therapy, appropriate oil must be produced. This is done by diluting the oil remedy with a carrier oil. Carrier oils are oils of low scent or no scent used to dilute more pungently aromatic oils or blends.

There are different methods for preparing Aromatic baths. Of these two easiest and least complicated methods in the preparatory stages is narrated below.

One is to introduce the essential oil or oil blend into a small amount of Epsom salts and to dissolve the salts into a tube of hot or warm water. Another method of creating an aromatic bath is to introduce the essential oil (blend) directly into the bath water.

Precautions to be taken by the Aroma therapist:

* Do not apply the remedy to an area where the skin is broken
* See that the oil is not an irritant and the subject displays no negative reaction
* Aroma therapist must know well the properties of the remedy and the sensitivities of the client.

In Aromatherapy, depending on the nature of ailments different methods are chosen. The ultimate purpose of Aromatherapy is to deliver the virtues of the scent to the client in a way that will most benefit his or her condition.

About Aroma Therapy

Aromatherapy is a holistic healing process for the body and mind with the use of fragrances. The basis of this therapy lies in the essential oils contained in plant materials. These can be found in leaves, flowers, roots, seeds, bark and resin. These oils are highly concentrated and when extracted, can either be used in a pure form or diluted and blended with other oils to produce the required strength.

Essential oils are medicinal and fragrant and travel through the blood stream reacting with hormones and enzymes. When the fragrance is inhaled the nerve ends in the nose transmit pleasurable signals to the brain which reacts to the positive power of the fragrant aroma inducing pleasant memories, restoring emotional balance and encouraging relaxation and energisation. Many of these fragrant oils have antiseptic and antitoxic qualities and often act as an antidote to viral infections, inflammations, aches and pains.

The origin of Aromatherapy cannot be traced to any particular era or civilization. But the virtues of fragrance were known even in the earliest civilizations. In India and Egypt the art of distillation of essential oils were known as early as 1500 B.C. There are many legends that arise from nearly every land that proclaim the sanctity of one fragrance or another.

The Aroma - therapist adopts the virtue of the fragrance of natural substances, extracts it into oil or synthetically reproduces it, and uses it for healing and health maintenance. In other words, the aim of the Aroma therapist is to capture the effects of the scents of the world-both conscious and unconscious and to blend them together in such a way that their effect is directed to a specific purpose.

This therapy is used not only for the treatment of physical illnesses but also used to improve the mental and even the spiritual conditions as well.

Applications of Aromatherapy

It is mainly divided into two

1. Inhalation
2. External Application.

Inhalation are of two types (a) direct inhalation and (b) indirect inhalation. In the case of direct inhalation Aromatherapy remedy is applied directly to the effected area. But in indirect inhalation the persons surroundings are treated with the chosen scent.

Inhalation is the more widely used method of delivering scent. In earlier days, the herb was burned and the fumes inhaled by the ailing individual for relief. Today, there are many other alternative methods to accomplish inhalation therapy, like use of oil diffusers, potpourri cookers, vaporizers, inhaling the fragrance directly from the bottle or soaking cotton balls etc. Oil diffuser is a machine specially designed as a system of delivering fragrances from an oil or oil blend into the air. Vaporizer is a device used for converting liquid to gaseous form for inhalation. Potpourri is a combination of different aromatic substances generally heated to infuse the air with a pleasing aromatic blend.

External application is also employed in both the healing and the magical facets of Aromatherapy. External application include Massage therapy, Aromatic bath etc. Thus through external application, the individual is actually taking in the healing properties of the essential blend through the skin. For massage therapy, appropriate oil must be produced. This is done by diluting the oil remedy with a carrier oil. Carrier oils are oils of low scent or no scent used to dilute more pungently aromatic oils or blends.

There are different methods for preparing Aromatic baths. Of these two easiest and least complicated methods in the preparatory stages is narrated below.

One is to introduce the essential oil or oil blend into a small amount of Epsom salts and to dissolve the salts into a tube of hot or warm water. Another method of creating an aromatic bath is to introduce the essential oil (blend) directly into the bath water.

Precautions to be taken by the Aroma therapist:

* Do not apply the remedy to an area where the skin is broken
* See that the oil is not an irritant and the subject displays no negative reaction
* Aroma therapist must know well the properties of the remedy and the sensitivities of the client.

In Aromatherapy, depending on the nature of ailments different methods are chosen. The ultimate purpose of Aromatherapy is to deliver the virtues of the scent to the client in a way that will most benefit his or her condition.


'Reiki' is a Japanese word meaning life energy. It is a complementary therapy and one of the many facets of alternative medicine available today. It is a method of natural healing. This therapy was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, a Japanese theologist. In this therapy, hands are used as the instruments of healing. This therapy is performed by either a Reiki master or a Reiki practitioner.

Reiki is centered upon universal life energy. Reiki energy is regarded as life energy at its most effective. It has a divine quality and it gives a feeling of detachment from the world so that problems doesn't effect the user. Those who use Reiki regularly, often find they are more joyful, lively and their own inbuilt energy is enhanced. Body organs such as the skin and protective systems such as the immune system are improved. Deep relaxation is the main factor in Reiki therapy and this is very much dependent upon the divine quality attributed to the energy.

Effects of Reiki


It enables the universal energy to be received.

It creates a feeling of deep relaxation.

It removes energy blockages, allowing a flow of life energy throughout the body.

It removes toxins of various sorts.

When each Reiki therapy session is complete the whole body may be energized via the root Chakra.

Preparation before Reiki

Remove Jewellery - Before Reiki, Jewellery must be removed, so as to enable the free flow of life energy.

Wash hands- Washing hands makes the hands pleasant to feel, for the recipient of Reiki.

Say a prayer- This is in order to concentrate upon and acknowledge your aims.

If there is any physical blemishes such as burns, the hands should be held a few inches above the skin at this area. If the person is suffering from any illness, he should seek advice from a doctor as to whether they can undergo Reiki therapy.

The extent of each session of Reiki will vary depending upon circumstances and the individual receiving treatment. In the case of a small child or an elderly person, time limit of the therapy should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes.

Positions for Treatment

Reiki can be done on various parts of the body like head, chest and abdomen, back etc. There are various basic positions or arrangements in which hands are placed in different parts of the body.

Reiki on the head is useful in case of cold, sinusitis, eye complaints, allergies, fatigue, headaches, asthma and circulatory problems. In the case of Reiki on the head, the hands are placed on either side of the nose, with the palms covering the eyes, the thumbs rest by the bridge of the nose and finger-tips cover the cheeks and reach the upper lip. In the second arrangement for the head, the hands are placed over the ears, with the fingertips extending down the jaw line to the neck, encompassing the ears of course which includes the semicircular canals, responsible for balance.

Reiki on the back is useful in cases of lung and heart diseases, muscular tension, head aches and related condition. There are a number of arrangements which can be adopted on the back and lower back. In one of this arrangement, the hands are placed across the shoulder blades at mid to upper point, to influence the intestines, lung, heart and various muscles in the neck and shoulder region. If the hands are placed lower down the back, around the midriff (on the lower ribs) this position will accommodate the kidneys and adrenal glands.

In addition to these specific positions, there are many other Reiki positions in different parts of the body to deal with multitude of complaints.

Long-term whole body Reiki can be adopted not only to counteract a particular symptom, but also to treat the whole body to achieve relaxation. Relaxation is possible with the removal of block ages in energy flow and dispersal of toxins. Reiki also facilitates faster recovery from illness. This therapy can be used advantageously with other therapies like Gem therapy, Aromatherapy, Homeopathy, Yoga etc.