
Monday, August 29, 2011

Preventive tips for Acne

 We all know that pimples are tiny inflammations on the skin.  The pimples often develop after black heads become clogged and infected.   Pimples often appear as deeper lumps on the face, neck, chest, back and also on shoulders.

Preventing Acne is really a difficult thing to do.  There is no cure for Acne but you can minimize it and control the condition.  Effective acne prevention requires using the correct acne treatments and hygiene habits.  Please look at the following tips to get rid of acne and pimples.
  • Don't pick pimples : It is really a very bad habit to pick the pimples on your face or body.  This can permanently scar your skin.  This will cause more infection.  If you must pick, immediately apply a topical antibiotic to help yourself.
  • Wash your skin gently:   It is very important when you wash your face, you should be very careful about how hard you press or rub your face.  It will irritate your skin if you press hard while washing your face.  This can break open the pimples on your face.  So you should be careful to see that you wash your face lightly.  
  • Avoid Stress:  Try to avoid stress.  Make sure you get enough sleep, eat healthy and spend some time to have fun. Stress will definitely trigger acne.  So try to avoid stress.  Exercise regularly so that this will reduce stress and increase the blood circulation which will definitely help in preventing acne.
  • Drink at least 2 to 3 liters of water every day.
  • Try to avoid hot and humid environments like poorly ventilated kitchens, gyms and stay away from cooking grease or machine oil that can contribute to black heads.
  • Always wear loose clothing :  Where ever possible try to wear loose clothing and avoid friction against the skin caused by helmets, straps, and hand bags etc.
  • Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Follow the above tips to prevent acne.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

The perfect foods to stay young

Do you want to stay healthy and young?  Here are 8 perfect foods which help you to stay healthy and young.  You can also lost weight, have longer life span, improve memory, strengthen cardiovascular etc. with these foods.
Let us see what are these foods.
  1. EGGS :   Each egg has 72 calories and each large egg has 6.3 grams of high-quality protein and a full load of vital nutrients.   The main benefit of eggs is that you can lose weight by taking eggs.
  2. GREEN TEA : The main benefit of green tea is that your life span increases by taking green tea.  Taking green tea reduces the risk of cancer by 60%.  Green tea can help to prevent tooth decay too.  Green tea has bacteria killing abilities that help prevent food poisoning and it also kills bacteria that cause dental plaque.
  3. GARLICHere are some of the health benefits of garlic.  Raw and crushed garlic is a powerful anti biotic.  Garlic fights cancer, strengthens the cardiovascular system and decreases fat storage and fights acne inflammation.  There are claims that garlic helps in cholesterol management. Garlic can help in normalization of body functions.  For example garlic can reduce the blood pressure in high blood pressure sufferers and can increase the blood pressure in case of low BP sufferers. Garlic is powerful against tumor formation including cancer.  Garlic helps against fungal or bacterial infection.  Garlic also helps in nomalization of blood sugar.
  4. ALMONDAlmonds improves your memory.  Some of the health benefits of almonds include getting relief from constipation, respiratory disorders, cough, anemia, impotency and also diabetes.  Almonds also help in hair care and skin care (psoriasis) and dental care.  Almonds induce high intellectual levels and is considered as an essential food for growing children. Almonds also help in reducing bad cholesterol.  Almonds also reduce the risk of heart diseases. The presence of magnesium in almonds helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Almonds also help in reducing weight.
  5. AVOCADOAvocado fruit reduces the risk of heart disease. Avocado contains Oleic Acid which helps lower the cholesterol levels.  Avocado also has potassium which helps in regulating blood pressure.    Adequate intake of potassium helps in guard against circulatory diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease or even heart stroke.  Avocado fruits are a source of glutathione which is an important anti oxidant which is very important in preventing aging, cancer and heart disease.  
  6. GREEK YOGURT : Greek Yogurt has many health benefits which include promoting intestinal health, strengthening of bones, lowering blood pressure, reduction of weight, and anti cancer properties.
  7. BELL PEPPERS Bell peppers are packed with several nutrients.  Bell peppers are good source of vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folic acid.  Bell peppers have been proved to be protective against cataracts. Bell peppers also help prevent blood clotting and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.  Bell peppers also help prevent lung cancer.
  8. GRAPEFRUITGrape fruit is very rich in vitamin C. Consumption of grape fruit can help increase metabolism.  Grape fruit also helps in prevent occurance of tumors and cancers. Grape fruit is a natural anti septic for wounds when used externally.  Grape fruit also helps in improving complexion.  It also helps in reduction of weight.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Diet for Hydertension

High Blood pressure or Hyper Tension has become a common in today's lifestyle.  Many people are suffering from High Blood Pressure in recent days.  High blood means high pressure in arteries.  . Arteries are vessels that carry blood from the pumping heart to all the tissues and organs of the body. High blood pressure does not mean excessive emotional tension, although emotional tension and stress can temporarily increase blood pressure. Normal blood pressure is below 120/80; blood pressure between 120/80 and 139/89 is called "pre-hypertension", and a blood pressure of 140/90 or above is considered high.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

What makes liver unique?

Liver is the only organ in human body that can regenerate itself after large portions of it is removed.  Even if 80% of the liver is removed,  it will grow back to normal size within a few weeks.   This is the reason why it is safer to remove large portions of liver from living donors and persons with liver tumors.

All the functions of the liver remain normal even if 70 to 80% of the liver is removed ( provided the remaining 20 or 30% is healthy).  So in persons with liver cancer, large portion of the liver is removed even then the patient is safe without any harm or compromise to liver function. At the same time more than 50% of the liver can be removed from a donor for transplant purposes without causing any problem to the donor.   Liver is the only organ in human body that grows even if large portion of it is removed.

What is Liver Dialysis

Liver Dialysis is a process in which toxins are removed from liver to sustain the patient till a liver transplant is done to him/her.   Liver dialysis is only a temporary solution and it is not like kidney dialysis which keep patients alive for months or years.  The filtration can be effective for several weeks. Liver dialysis has been approved for use in patients with chronic hepatitis C and some other liver diseases.  This procedure is used for patients who have no other options except liver transplant.  So liver dialysis is done till the patient gets a liver for transplant.  It is better if a donor is found to donate liver.  Many liver dialysis patients get the donors from their family members.  Only a portion of the donor liver is taken so that patient and the donor survive the surgery.  This is also called as live organ donation.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bad habits that cause pimples

Here are some of the bad habits which cause  pimples or acne.  You can avoid these habits so that you will not get acne.  So you can stop the bad habits to prevent acne and enjoy a healthy glow of clear skin.

The acne or pimples occur when oil, bacteria, and dead skin cells clog hair follicles.  The people with oily skin are more prone to get pimples but if you can break some bad habits, you can prevent pimples.  Here are some of the bad habits which can cause pimples and you can avoid them.

  • Washing your skin very often :  It is important to keep your skin clean, but washing it too often will only make the acne worse.  Instead of that you can just wash your face in the morning when you wake up and  at night before sleeping./
  • Scrubbing your skin vigorously : Scrubbing your skin vigorously with a wash cloth will cause significant irritation — and may worsen your acne-prone skin.  To prevent acne, always wash with only lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser.
  • Picking at your skin and popping your pimples : Some times it may be irresistible to pick or pop pimples,  this behavior can cause increased redness from squeezing the pus deeper into the skin and sometimes even scarring. Instead, keep your hands off your face and let pimples go back down to size with the help of an anti-acne lotion or cream.
  • Not cleaning sweaty skin :  Your skin will be covered with sweat after having a tough work or have been outside in the sun.  Please do not allow the sweat to dry on the skin.  Instead, always  bathe or wash your skin promptly after sweating.
  • Skipping the shampoo : If you have oily hair, that oil can seep down to your face and can cause pimples. So you make sure that you wash your hair each day to keep excess oil off your forehead.  
  • Getting hair products on your face :  It is very important to keep hair spray, gel, or other hair products away from your face to prevent them from clogging up your pores.  You should cover up your face when applying these hair products on your hair and off your skin.
  • Eating greasy food : Greasy foods can make acne-prone skin worse because of the excess oil and grease that can get on to the skin from the food itself.  So have a healthy diet without greasy and fried food to spare your skin. 
  • Using cosmetics containing oil :  If you have acne-prone skin, you should avoid using oily skin products.  Look for oil-free options labeled with the terms "non-acnegenic" or "non-comedogenic" to help prevent acne.