
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Healthy Lifestyle tips

Choose healthy food when you go shopping. That will make it so much easier to make healthier choices when you are at home looking for something to eat.

Eat a variety of nutritious foods every day. That means more fruit and veggies. Reduce the amount of fatty, salty, sugary, and processed foods.

Drink a lot of water. Avoid sugary drinks. Many times, they are high in calories and low in nutritional value.

Provide a substantial nutritious snack for your children to tide them over until dinner. This will help them to avoid nibbling or grazing and getting too full for dinner. Soup or a sandwich are great options.

Fruit is a great healthy snack. Find a local farmer whom you trust and choose apples and other seasonal fruit.

Get your kids involved in what they eat. Give them a range of healthy choices for their lunch box and after-school snacks..

Mindless eating can lead to overeating. Sit down, turn off the TV and eat together as a family.

Learn to use fresh ingredients and cook good basic meals from scratch.

Portion control - that's the name of the game. Watch your portion sizes and don't give children too much on their plate.

Make trying new foods fun with your children in order to get them to eat a variety of food.

Make healthy food choices the norm. But don't stress out over eating healthily. There is nothing wrong with the occasional biscuit or pizza.

Get exercise for at lease 30 minutes each day. That could mean a variety of activities - walking in the park one day, or cycling or jogging the next. Mix it up to keep it interesting.

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