
Thursday, April 7, 2011

What makes liver unique?

Liver is the only organ in human body that can regenerate itself after large portions of it is removed.  Even if 80% of the liver is removed,  it will grow back to normal size within a few weeks.   This is the reason why it is safer to remove large portions of liver from living donors and persons with liver tumors.

All the functions of the liver remain normal even if 70 to 80% of the liver is removed ( provided the remaining 20 or 30% is healthy).  So in persons with liver cancer, large portion of the liver is removed even then the patient is safe without any harm or compromise to liver function. At the same time more than 50% of the liver can be removed from a donor for transplant purposes without causing any problem to the donor.   Liver is the only organ in human body that grows even if large portion of it is removed.

What is Liver Dialysis

Liver Dialysis is a process in which toxins are removed from liver to sustain the patient till a liver transplant is done to him/her.   Liver dialysis is only a temporary solution and it is not like kidney dialysis which keep patients alive for months or years.  The filtration can be effective for several weeks. Liver dialysis has been approved for use in patients with chronic hepatitis C and some other liver diseases.  This procedure is used for patients who have no other options except liver transplant.  So liver dialysis is done till the patient gets a liver for transplant.  It is better if a donor is found to donate liver.  Many liver dialysis patients get the donors from their family members.  Only a portion of the donor liver is taken so that patient and the donor survive the surgery.  This is also called as live organ donation.