
Monday, July 27, 2009

A Natural Antibacterial, Antiviral and Antifungal Medicine

nfectious diseases such as Flu, TB, Pneumonia, Hepatitis, Cholera, Malaria, and Dengue are quite common in many countries. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), diseases caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites kill more people worldwide than any other single cause.

Many studies have shown that overuse of antibiotics has increased the rate of infections as well as created many drug resistant bacteria over the past few decades. Antibiotics work only on bacteria and not on viruses. In fact, there are no effective drugs that can kill the viruses. Boosting the body's immune system is the only effective way of fighting these drug resistant and ever mutating microorganisms.

Extensive research done by scientists such as Jon J Kabara, PhD, has shown that the Lauric acid found in Coconut Oil is a potent antimicrobial agent. Lauric acid is a major component (49%) of Coconut oil. It has also been found to kill the H.

Virgin coconut oil can be used as a natural medicine in common cold, flu or viral fever. It can be consumed by using it as a cooking oil or you can simply consume 2-3 tablespoons along with meals or with your favorite juice or plain water. Make sure that your drink is lukewarm so that coconut oil can easily mix with it. Some studies that a massage with coconut oil gives rapid and superior results in acute diseases like common cold or flu. Massaging the arms, legs, chest, back and neck regions allows a large amount of oil to be quickly absorbed into the body via the skin and helps facilitate rapid recovery.

Coconut oil consists largely of what is called as Medium Chain Triglycerides, also known as MCT or MCFA, which gets digested and absorbed quickly in the body and provides a much needed energy boost. This is why the MCT, found in coconut oil, is used in hospitals to prepare food for the sick and the elderly.

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