
Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back Pain -- causes

Many people suffer from back pain. Usually, the origin of back pain is the skeletal system and the muscles that support it. Back pain may also be caused by kidney, gastrointestinal or cardiac disorders. It may be caused by other organs or by a side effect of other diseases.

Once someone has had back pain, it is likely to be experienced again. The longer back pain goes on, the worse it gets. This cycle can be stopped when you know a little about your back and how it works.

The spine is made up of stacked bones called the vertebrae. They are arranged in three natural curves that keep your body supported. Strong, flexible muscles and ligaments help maintain these curves. Soft cushions called discs act as shock absorbers between the bones. The nerves run through the holes in the center of the vertebrae and branch out to your body.

The bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or discs can cause back pain. Here's how:

* The bones of the spine can develop arthritis, get narrower (compress), or pinch nerves causing the nerve to become irritated. This normally produces a lot of pain.

* Discs can degenerate or lose their shape and support, or they can bulge or rupture.

* Muscles can fatigue and weaken, or become inflexible. A weak abdomen cannot help support your back. Obesity puts an additional stress on the back.

* Ligaments can be over-stretched and cause the bones to lose their support.

* Poor posture, incorrect body mechanics, stress, inactivity or overexertion can lead to back pain.

Good posture is necessary to keep the bones, nerves, muscles, ligaments and discs working well together. Good posture while you move at work or at play is called body mechanics. Learning good body mechanics will keep your back moving safely and efficiently. Keeping your muscles toned and exercised is the key to good body mechanics.

Doing too much activity, or doing too little, are both harmful to your back. If you exceed your limits, injury can result. On the other hand, a person who is out of shape will be unable to maintain good posture. This may result in undue stress to the spine. Emotional stress can make a back problem worse, contributing to muscle strains and muscle spasms.

Learn how to use your back smartly and it will last you a lifetime. If your back pain is not relieved, or continues after using exercises, or if it gets worse, see your healthcare provider.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When i was young it used to be Breakfast, the most important meal of the day, start with a hearty fry up and you will be set. Although 3 stable meals is still the norm we are now encouraged towards the 5 a day principle.

Fruit and vegetables help set you up for a healthier lifestyle. Best of all, there is so much variety to choose from, all year long. There's enough to keep even the fussiest eaters happy. To get the best health benefits, your 5 A DAY portions should include a combination of a variety of fruit and vegetables. That's 5 portions altogether, not 5 portions of fruit and 5 portions of veg. So the big fired breakfast i have enjoyed for so many years is not as good as it seems (still tastes great on the odd occasion)

We all seem to have the information needed to have a healthy life style on the food front, but there is a lot more to it than what you eat. With more than 80% of the population suffering from some sort of back pain and with recent reports showing

that 44% of all reported strains and sprains, which required more than three days off work, were of the back of spine and

most commonly it is related to discs in the back being compressed from maintaining a position in sitting (especially for a prolonged period). Combined with leaning forward increases the compression of the discs and the risk of back pain.

Bad seating has been shown to speed up disk degeneration. As more people became chair bound (75% of the working population) and less active, abdominal and trunk mussels slacken, further increasing the instability of the spine and the risk of back pain.

So why are most of us still sitting on a out of date unsupportive office chair causing lasting, sometime irreversible damage to our backs? The benefits by purchasing a good ergonomic office chair seem obvious, not just for the person sitting in it for hour on hour per day, looking after there back, but equally for an employer.
Like it or not we are all employed to earn someone money, be it your self employed from your home office, or one of thousands of employee's for a multi national company. If your office chairs not an ergonomic office chair your costing someone money, and increasing the chances of having a reduced mobility later in life (not always that much later).

I just don't understand it, with days lost as a result of incorrect seating from bad office chairs, which evidently causes bad posture.With the financial losses on employer's (or yourself), not to mention the possible damage caused to the user. Why do we not insist on a correct office chair? If your not happy were you sitting at the moment either get your self a correct ergonomic office chair or insist you boss get's one for you, it's a win-win situation.

And don't forget to enjoy your breakfast.