
Sunday, July 29, 2007

What is HIV

HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV destroys certain white blood cells called CD4+ T cells. These cells are critical to the normal function of the human immune system, which defends the body against illness. When HIV weakens the immune system, a person is more susceptible to developing a variety of cancers and becoming infected with viruses, bacteria and parasites.

How do u get infectd by HIV?

HIV is passed on in the sexual fluids or blood of an infected person, so if infected blood or sexual fluid gets into your body, you can become infected. This usually happens by either having sexual intercourse with an infected person or by sharing needles used to inject drugs with an infected person. People can also become infected by being born to a mother who has HIV and a very small number of people become infected by having medical treatment using infected blood transfusions.

HIV can’t be caught by kissing, hugging or shaking hands with an infected person, and it can’t be transmitted by sneezes, door handles or dirty glasses.

Symptoms of HIV/AIDS

You can be HIV-positive and not realize it. Many people who are infected with HIV do not have symptoms for many years. You cannot rely on symptoms to know your HIV status.

The following may be warning signs of HIV infection:

* Severe weight loss
* Fevers
* Headaches
* Drenching night sweats
* Fatigue
* Severe diarrhea
* Shortness of breath
* Difficulty swallowing

The symptoms can last for weeks or months at a time and do not go away without treatment. Since these symptoms are commonly seen in other diseases, don’t assume these are HIV/AIDS-related until you get tested. If you are experiencing these symptoms and think you might be at risk, don’t wait! See a doctor or visit your student health center and get tested!!

A positive HIV test does not mean a person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using certain clinical criteria. As with other diseases, early detection offers more options for preventative care and treatment.

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