
Saturday, November 3, 2012

Home remedies for High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is very common in this modern era of fast life style.  Hypertension is also called as silent killer.   The main causes of hypertension are Stress life, smoking, lack of physical activity, obesity, kidney diseases, old age and also family history of high BP.   There are some home remedies for curing high blood pressure.   For more details of how to cure high blood pressure by home remedies please visit the following link.

Home remedies for hypertension

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What is arthritis

Arthritis is nothing but an inflamation  of joints. You can see the inflamation by an indication of swelling, redness or warmth in the joints. The word "Arthritis" is derived from Greek word "Arthron" meaning "joint" and the latin word "itis" meaning "inflamation".  The Arthritis affects the musculoskeletal system especially the joints.  Normally people above the age of 50 years suffer from arthritis.  There are nearly 100 different types of arthritis. 

A joint is a place where one bone moves on another bone.  The ligaments hold the two bones together. Any part of our body can become painful due to arthritis.  Here are some of the symptoms of arthritis.
  • Very high fatigue
  • Loss of flexibility in the joint
  • Lack of energy
A person with arthritis normally avoids physical activity and simply takes rest.  But it should be understood that the joints become stiff and lose flexibility if there is no exercise.